Retro Pixel Smasher: Privacy Policy

The Retro Pixel Smasher app does not collect nor store any important personal information.
We use services that use the Internet to provide ads. These services may collect information such as the user’s age, location, language, device model and the version of Android. It is important to note that these information is kept in absolute secrecy.

External Services used :
Google Play Services
Unity Ads
Unity Analytics

Some permissions are required for our apps run. Check the list below which is the purpose of each one:

• “In-app purchases” – The transaction is made exclusively on Google Play. Retro Pixel Smasher never receives information as login, password and credit card number.
• “Get Accounts” – used for login services only – Retro Pixel Smasher never collects nor saves user data.

Guinea Pixel “Save Game” feature :
• Only stores the email address you, the user, typed in
• No information will be made public

Any questions regarding our privacy policy please send an email to